The Cancer Care Alliance Foundation Provides Financial Assistance to Patients in Need

The Max Perry story is not uncommon. Hard-working and financially solvent—until he got cancer. As he battled cancer, he lost his job and his home. The Cancer Care Alliance Foundation exists to help people like Max pay their non-medical bills....

Ask for Help

Complete a simple form to request assistance. Assistance is available for non-medical expenses to any patient in The Cancer Care Alliance: The Toledo Clinic, Fulton County Health Center, Henry County Hospital, UTMC and Wood County Hospital, as well as the Neighborhood Health Association

Donate to Help Patients

100% of donations are tax-deductible and go directly ‘to patient care, with no administrative expenses

Cancer’s Toxic Side Effect

  • 42% of cancer patients deplete their life saving during treatment

  • 3% of them file for bankruptcy

  • 55% of those living with cancer accrue more than $10,000 in debt

  • 1/4 of people diagnosed with cancer put off treatment because of the cost

  • 67% of the cost of cancer treatment is non-medical

Financial Stress Can be Deadly

Fighting financial disaster can add stress to a patient’s battle against the disease. Not only are cancer patients 2½ times as likely to declare bankruptcy as healthy people, but those patients who go bankrupt are 80 percent more likely to die from the disease than other cancer patients. And a survey conducted by the Cancer Support Community, a national nonprofit network, revealed that almost half of the 7,000 patients they polled were riddled with anxiety because of financial concerns, while about a third drained savings or tapped retirement accounts to pay for care.